Friday, November 12, 2010

Aliens and Religion

I saw a show on TV the other day about the existence of Aliens and how the World religions would fall apart if the fundamentalists accept the Alien existence. I totally disagree. On the contrary it will be a good thing if we ever know of any Alien life to show us that we are not alone in this Universe. My belief always has been the following:

Life on Earth evolved and was different in different parts adapting to different climates. All forms of life evolved and eventually the Humans evolved also. The wise men learned many things both good and bad and "instinctively" and out of love and kindness towards their offspring wanted to pass on the good so their offspring doesn't have to experience the bad as they did. So they started prophecy and taught their offspring to the best of their capacity. The young wanted tangible proofs to believe anything. It is here the scenario gets a little blurry. While I believe that God has manifested himself/herself to the Man ages ago, I have not seen any proof either for it or against it. I bet the wise men fought over it also for some may have had the opportunity to see the divine power manifest to them and others have not, but both kinds of men have good intentions to help their progeny. Thus evolved the concept of religion. They then used this concept in their own ways (Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, etc.) and customized it to their own taste based on their climatic conditions. I am less inclined to calling all religions a fallacy but proof of concept for any religion is beyond any one man, woman, nation, world's capacity. We either have to accept it as is and attempt to explain its evolution or totally deny it. I for one believe in not one but all religions. My theory above makes a compelling case for me to accept all religions as equal and good.

So somewhere in other solar system(s) something similar might have taken place and they might be in the same boat as we are as far as wondering about "Aliens" and their existence. Considering how little we know about this Universe and yet how vast it is, this is the least we can accommodate to show our faith in the Super Power. The same Super Power who many believe created this Universe and our Earth might have created other similar Earths elsewhere as well.

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